Finds Your Toothbrush May Be Linked To:

  • Heart Problems
  • Blood Sugar Problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Joint Pain
  • Digestive Troubles
  • And A Host Of Other Potentially Life Altering Conditions… 

Keep Reading To Find Out If Your Toothbrush Made The List…

How Dr. Drew Saved his Marriage!

Dr Drew
williams racing
Ask Dr Drew
Dave Asprey
350,000+ Americans have health issues every year because of their toothbrush

And studies show that YOUR toothbrush has likely been linked to:
  • Heart problems… (1) (2)
  • Blood sugar problems… (3) (4)
  • ​Forgetfulness… (5) (6)
  • Flare ups in your joints… (7) (8)
  • ​Digestive troubles… (9) (10)
  • ​Moodiness… (11) (12)
  • ​Immunity issues… (13) (14)

And Doctors From Top Medical Schools Have Even Discovered A Significant Connection Between Your Toothbrush And Severe Cases of The Latest Major Health Concern… (15) (16) (17) 

So whether you believe you have great oral hygiene… and you earnestly brush and floss morning, noon and night…

Or your oral care routine needs improvement… This brand new health report is for you.

Inside you’ll learn how to “speed support” your oral and physical health by making a simple change to how you brush your teeth.

And you especially want to pay attention if…

Your gums bleed when you floss sometimes…

You wake up with bad breath at least 3 days a week...

Your teeth have a faint yellow tint or are noticeably discolored…

You have tartar buildup behind your teeth...

(1) "Gum disease and the connection to heart disease - Harvard Health." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(2) "Treating gum disease may lessen the burden of heart disease." 23 Jul. 2014, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(3) "Diabetes and Periodontal Disease |" Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(4) "Gum disease can raise your blood sugar level - American Dental ...." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(5) "Association between Periodontitis and Alzheimer's Disease - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(6) "Thank You."|co-neurology:2020:04000:00013|10.1097/wco.0000000000000797|. Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(7) "Periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis: the evidence ... - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(8) "Gum disease linked to rheumatoid arthritis - Johns Hopkins ...." 23 Jan. 2017, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(9) "Periodontitis and inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis." 12 Mar. 2020, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(10) "Periodontitis and inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis." 12 Mar. 2020, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(11) "Relationship between depression and chronic periodontitis - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(12) "Depression and Inflammatory Periodontal Disease Considerations ...." 23 Mar. 2016, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(13) "Gum disease bacteria selectively disarm immune system, study finds." 11 Jun. 2014, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(14) "Oral Bacteria and Immune System Problems Involved in Gum Disease." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(15) "Good oral health reduces risk of fatal outcomes from COVID-19." 29 Jul. 2021, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(16) "Is periodontal disease a risk factor for developing severe Covid-19." 24 Aug. 2020, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(17) "Association between periodontitis and severity of COVID‐19 infection." 1 Feb. 2021, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

“Leaky GUM Syndrome”…

Which is exactly like “leaky gut syndrome”...

Except it starts in the mouth and may creates widespread health concerns throughout the entire body. 

The Center for Disease Control reports 47% of Americans over 30… and 70% of Americans over 65 have “leaky gum syndrome”… (18)

And most don’t even know it. So stay tuned, because in a moment…

I’ll give you a short quiz so you can know whether this newly discovered oral health concern is affecting you. Plus…

When you keep reading you’ll also learn…
  • How one man’s 16-year battle with rheumatoid arthritis was suddenly fixed at the dentist office… (19)
  • Why doctors from Harvard Medical School believe memory problems later in life begin in the mouth… (20 (21)
  • A surprising link between the plaque on your teeth and the gunk that clogs your arteries… (22) (23)  
  • ​And how a quick look inside your mouth can give clues as to what may be causing certain health issues that you may be facing right now…
Which I know sounds strange and maybe even unbelievable… But it’s true.
(18) "Periodontal Disease | Oral Health Conditions - CDC." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(19) "16-year remission of rheumatoid arthritis after unusually vigorous ...." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(20) "Oral bacteria may be responsible for Alzheimer's disease." 7 Feb. 2019, lzheimers-disease/. Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(21) "Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer's disease brains - Science." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(22) "Healthy mouth, healthy body - American Dental Association." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(23) "Heart disease prevention: Does oral health matter? - Mayo Clinic." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021

Research Teams At Harvard, Johns Hopkins, And The Mayo Clinic Have Finally Connected The Dots Between Oral Health And Total Body Health… And It’s Ugly.

But the good news is…

This link between your oral health, and more specifically, its strong connection with the toothbrush sitting near your sink in the master bathroom…

Is so tightly woven together that studies show simply changing your toothbrush may give you a healthier, younger body, while supporting your blood sugar, brain, lungs, joints, and digestive system… it may even improve your sex life

And by making this “toothbrush swap” you won’t only supercharge your health

But you’ll also reveal a more radiant, attractive smile that sparkles with confidence…

Enjoy fresh breath all day without having to scrub your tongue or carry breath mints…

And you’ll never feel “dirty” or “embarrassed” at the dentist office again… in fact, they'll be amazed by how clean your teeth are…

And you’ll get compliments from friends and family on how white your smile is...

Because this new daily ritual power cleans your teeth… speed supports your gum health… makes your whole mouth sparkle and shine… and…

(24) "Is oral health a risk factor for sexual health? - PubMed." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(25) "Good Oral Health Means a Better Sex Life | Dentistry Today." 2 Oct. 2020, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

Gives You That Squeaky Clean Feeling You Get After A Deep Scrub At The Dentist… But From The Comfort Of Your Own Home.

Now before I share this exciting new toothbrush fix

Let me tell you who I am and how I stumbled across it…

Hi. I’m Trina Felber

I'm a nurse with 30+ years of experience... and I’m also the creator and owner of Primal Life Organics… which is one of the fastest growing all-natural health and beauty companies in the world…

And I became obsessed with oral health care…

After My 2-year-old Daughter Had A Molar Erupt In Her Mouth…

Because she was born with a cavity that had formed in the womb.

The doctor said, “Don’t worry, mom. We’ll put a filling in that cavity and hope for the best.” Well, as a mom and nurse, I wasn’t just going to sit back and hope for the bestSo I took a deep dive into studying more on oral health. But I never thought I’d discover just how deep the rabbit hole goes…

Because all the research shows that good physical health starts in one place: the mouth.

Literally the entry point into your blood vessels… which extends to your heart, brain, muscles, gut, immune system, and everywhere else… begins in your mouth. Basically… (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
(26) "Understanding the Oral Mucosal Absorption and Resulting Clinical ...." 31 Aug. 2012, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(27) "The oral mucosal surface and blood vessels - NCBI." 12 Mar. 2013, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(28) "The link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular ... - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(29) "The mucosal immune system in the oral cavity—an orchestra of T ...." 8 Aug. 2014, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(30) "Oral microbiome: Unveiling the fundamentals - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(31) "Does disease start in the mouth, the gut or both? - NCBI." 19 Mar. 2019, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

The Mouth Is The Gateway To The Rest Of Your Body…


Most people have heard of “leaky gut syndrome”...

Which is when bad bacteria and toxins “leak” into your bloodstream through the intestinal wall in your gut. Well…

Studies show that the same thing can happen in your mouth.

Bad bacteria and toxins “leak” into your bloodstream after sitting on your teeth and gums.

I call it “leaky GUM syndrome.” Now…

At first you might think the solution is to rinse with antiseptic mouthwash to kill all the bacteria…

But that’s actually one of the WORST things you can do… because there’s also GOOD mouth bacteria that supports your health… so you want as much of that good bacteria as possible...

But rinsing with mouthwash is like dropping an atomic bomb in your mouth that wipes out ALL bacteria... good and bad.

And in a minute I’ll show you how to clean out that bad bacteria without sacrificing all the good…

But the moral of the story is…

If You Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy…
You’ll Keep Your Entire Body Healthy…

In fact… since learning about this connection between oral health and medical health…

I haven’t gotten so much as the sniffles in YEARS…

And that’s because I found out how to hack my oral health and keep everything from my immune system, to my cardio system, to my mind, in optimal shape…

Using a simple daily ritual and toothbrush swap that I’ll show you in a minute.

And before you think this doesn’t apply to you because you have a stellar oral care routine already…

You need to know that leaky gum syndrome is very sneaky. It doesn’t hurt like a toothache. But instead, it manifests in other health conditions. And unfortunately…

Most people have no clue their mouth is a hotbed of bad bacteria and toxins

Because they’ve been told that just because they brush their teeth for 2-minutes twice a day... or if their mouth “feels clean” then their oral health is fine. But chances are…

Your Oral Health Is NOT As Good As You Think It Is…

And that’s not your fault

And I’m not pointing the finger at your dentist or your primary care physician either…

Because doctors aren’t trained to ask for a dental report… and your dentist isn’t trained to ask for a chart of your medical health… So how are they supposed to know?

But the good news is there’s a certain trick I’ll show you in a minute... that WILL give your mouth a deep cleaning like you’d get at the dentist’s office…

That eliminates the harmful bacteria that can cause leaky gum syndrome. But before I get there…

I created a short quiz to see if you need to continue reading this letter...

Is Your Dental Health Affecting Your Physical Health?
Here’s How You Know…

If You Answer “Yes” To One Or More Of The Following Questions You Likely Have “Leaky Gum Syndrome”... 

  • Do your gums bleed sometimes when you brush or floss?
  • Do you have “morning breath” at least 3 times a week... 
  • Do you get bad breath during the day even after brushing your teeth? 
  • Do you have swollen, puffy gums?
  • ​Do you have tartar on the backs of your bottom teeth? 
  • Do you have wiggly or shifting teeth
  • ​Do your teeth have a faint yellow tint or are noticeably discolored?
  • I​s your tongue a different color other than perfectly pink?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions then it’s likely you have some measure of leaky gum syndrome and it’s urgent you keep reading...

Because leaky gum syndrome may be connected to anything from feeling sluggish, to blood sugar problems, to brain fog, bedroom problems, and a host of other health issues… (32) (33)

Because with leaky gum syndrome it’s like dumping harmful bacteria right into the bloodstream…

And you don’t need some fancy medical degree to tell you that can cause serious damage to your health.

In a 2021 study from the American Heart Association, researchers found people with gum disease are twice as likely to have blood pressure problems than those who don’t… (34)

And according to researchers from Harvard Medical School, folks with leaky gum syndrome…

Are Twice As Likely To Die From A Heart Attack And Three Times As Likely To Have A Stroke… (35)

And that’s because the bad bacteria and plaque sitting on your teeth and around your gums enter the bloodstream through your body…

Causing inflammation in your cardiovascular system that pounds against the walls of your blood vessels…

Plus some of the plaque clings to the walls of the blood vessels…

So that it goes from being “tooth plaque” to “arterial plaque”... which causes cardiovascular disease and major cardiovascular episodes. (36) (37)

In other words, there are some scary and deadly heart conditions that could be avoided simply by having a clean mouth…

And again, this likely cannot be done with the toothbrush you used this morning

But I’ll get to more on that in a minute.

In a study published from the University of Amsterdam, researchers were shocked when a man who was plagued by rheumatoid arthritis
(32) "Oral health: A window to your overall health - Mayo Clinic." 4 Jun. 2019, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(33) "Healthy mouth, healthy body - American Dental Association." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(34) "People with severe gum disease may be twice as ... - ScienceDaily." 29 Mar. 2021, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(35) "Gum disease and heart disease: The common thread - Harvard Health."

(36) "Correlation between Detection Rates of Periodontopathic Bacterial ...." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(37) "Relationship Between Periodontal Disease, Tooth Loss, and Carotid ...." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

Remedied 16 Years Of Pain After A Quick Visit To The Dentist… (38)

Because there was a certain tooth that was causing inflammation in the gums…

And that toxic inflammation leaked into the bloodstream and wreaked havoc on his joints… (39)

But once the inflammation in the mouth was reduced, he noticed instant and lasting relief.

Researchers from Harvard and other top universities also found the same plaque and bacteria in people with gum disease…

Is found in the brains of people with certain forms of brain degeneration. (40) (41) (42)

And according to researchers from McGill University…

Is Your Dental Health Affecting Your Physical Health?
Here’s How You Know…

Folks with gum problems were 3.5 times more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit, 4.5 times more likely to need a ventilator, and 8.8 times more likely to die when compared to those without gum disease. (43) 

And the last health issue I’ll cover today… (though I could go into a LOT more)... has to do with the link between leaky gum syndrome and cancer.

Researchers at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that people with a history of gum problems also have a higher risk of stomach and esophageal cancers…

With a 43% higher risk of developing esophageal cancer and a 52% higher risk of developing stomach cancer compared with people whose gums were healthier. (44)

And while watching out for your health is super important… 

It’s not the only thing that links your mouth to your total well being.

There’s also the confidence aspect of it as well. I mean…
(38) "16-year remission of rheumatoid arthritis after unusually vigorous ...." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(39) "Periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis: the evidence ... - NCBI." Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(40) "Good oral health may help protect against Alzheimer's." 1 Sep. 2019, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(41) "The Surprising Connections Between Oral Health and Well Being." 14 Jan. 2019, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(42) "Periodontitis and Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease - NCBI." 10 Mar. 2016, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(43) "Good oral health reduces risk of fatal outcomes from COVID-19." 29 Jul. 2021, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

(44) "Oral health problems may raise cancer risk - Harvard Health." 1 Oct. 2020, Accessed 15 Sep. 2021.

No One Wants To Have Bad Breath That Makes People Step Backwards When You First Meet…

And they’re so distracted by your breath that they can’t pay attention to anything you say… and instead of listening, they’re racking their brain thinking of polite ways to get out of the conversation.

...(that bad breath is caused by the bad bacteria hiding along your gum line by the way).

And not only that…

But who doesn’t want to have a bright, radiant smile… and tells the story that you’ve got yourself together without you having to say a word?

And how awesome would it feel to be the one in pictures with the best smile, a smile that people point to and say, “wow, look at your teeth!”...

instead of having to hide behind an unwelcoming grin or half-smile? All comes down to having the right tools in your oral care routine…

So What Does All Of This Have To Do With Your Toothbrush?

Remember how I said that your toothbrush is likely linked to health troubles? Well…

I'm NOT saying a toothbrush is a magic wand that can cure illness...

But what I am saying is there's a connection between oral health and your overall health...

And the tools you use for your oral health need to be suited for the job. So…

The reason your toothbrush is linked to health problems is because if you’re using a manual toothbrush…

It isn’t “getting the job done” inside your mouth. And by that I mean…

Your Manual Toothbrush Is NOT Removing The Plaque And Bacteria That Causes Leaky Gum Syndrome…

Because it doesn’t get in those key areas between the teeth and along the gum line where the plaque and bad bacteria like to hide.

And, no…

The solution isn’t to brush harder or to floss more often. In fact…

Doing that can cause a receding gum line… and once the gums are gone, they’re gone for good… and you don’t want that. So…

Let me put it as simply as I can to help you understand why the toothbrush you use is so important.

Brushing Your Teeth Is A Lot Like Washing A Car…  

Just like your teeth, your car is a mix of smooth areas and tight, detailed areas.

The smooth parts, like the hood, are easy to clean…

All you need are long, gentle strokes with a soapy sponge and the dirt comes right off.

The hardest parts to clean are the tiny nooks and crannies… like the grill of a car.

To clean those areas, you need to squish down the sponge or wad up a soapy rag to make it fit. Basically…

The objective is to make your cleaning tool smaller and shorter… and to use more efficient cleaning movements to get the gunk out of those nooks and crannies.

Now let’s think of your toothbrush…

When it comes to manual toothbrushes, the bristles are long… and you use a back and forth motion when you brush… with a little bit of circular motion as well. The problem is…

That’s like cleaning the smooth areas of the car

It’s Not Nearly As Precise As You Need It To Be To Penetrate Between The Teeth And Disturb The Plaque And Bacteria Build Up…

And not only can that lead to gum disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis… which can lead to a host of health issues… 

But that plaque and bacteria build up is going to severely discolor your teeth

So what should you do? Well…

There’s a specific kind of toothbrush that has been shown in real, scientific studies…

To scrub plaque and bacteria from the tiny cracks and crevices between your teeth and along your gum line…

And improve how white your teeth sparkle and how smooth they feel

So you get the same “squeaky clean” feeling you get after a cleaning at the dentist… but from the comfort of your own bathroom.

The reason it works so well is because this unique brush creates small, tight brush strokes… that twist in several different directions to loosen and remove plaque and bacteria incredibly fast… so that it can’t harden and cause more damage to your oral health. (45)

Studies Show This Unique Toothbrush Helps Perform More Than 40,000 Efficient, Plaque Removing Brush Strokes Per Minute… 

While those who use a traditional manual toothbrush only produce between 50-100 brush strokes per minute…

That’s 400x more plaque removal! (46)

In another study from the University of Milan, researchers found folks who use this specific form of toothbrush…

Had significantly greater plaque reduction and improved gum health compared to a traditional manual toothbrush. (47) (48)

And after an 11-year study on this unique super-toothbrush, published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology…

Researchers concluded it cleans teeth and gums much better than the toothbrush you’re likely using right now…

And folks who use it have healthier gums and less tooth decay, and they also keep their teeth for longer. (49) (50)

In other words…
(45) "Dental Plaque Removal by Ultrasonic Toothbrushes - NCBI." 23 Mar. 2020, Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.

(46) "Dental researchers on toothbrushes - powered vs. manual | UNMC." Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.

(47) "Is a new sonic toothbrush more effective in plaque removal than a ...." 7 Mar. 2015, Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.

(48) "A comparison of the efficacy of powered and manual toothbrushes in ...." 27 Feb. 2013, Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.(

(49) "Long‐term impact of powered toothbrush on ... - Wiley Online Library." 22 May. 2019, Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.

(50) "Electric toothbrushes win the head-to-head ... - Oral Health Foundation." 25 Jun. 2019, Accessed 26 Aug. 2021.

By Swapping Your Old Manual Toothbrush With This Super Efficient Toothbrush You Can Potentially Reverse And Prevent “Leaky Gums”…

And that means you’ll support total body health beginning in your mouth…

And that support will extend to your heart, brain, lungs, joints, gut, and everywhere else. So…

After discovering these studies about how life-changing this simple toothbrush swap could be…

The team and I here at Primal Life Organics combined the proven engineering of the latest oral care technology… with our passion for creating products that are safe, natural, and eco-friendly

To bring you the…

Primal Life Organics Real White Sonic Toothbrush

The Real White Sonic Toothbrush combines powerful sonic toothbrush technology with nature to help bust up plaque and bad bacteria

Support your oral health and physical health

And give you the best, safest, and most powerful and noticeable cleaning every time you brush your teeth.
With the Real White Sonic Toothbrush… your mouth will look, feel… and will truly be cleaner than ever before

And with every use it’ll feel like giving yourself a pleasant, gentle dental cleaning

With the same “squeaky clean feeling” you get after standing up out of the dentist chair…

But without spending the money or any uncomfortable poking and prodding around in your mouth.

You can even space your dental appointments further apart if you want to…

Because when you use our Real White Sonic Toothbrush daily, you’ll give your mouth a dental hygienist-grade cleaning in 2-minutes every morning and night.

You’ll reduce the plaque and bacteria buildup that’s been sitting on your teeth and gums…

And you’ll be stunned by how clean and smooth your teeth feel…

You’ll get compliments on those few occasions you visit the dentist… instead of being told you need to do a better job…

And you may even show off the most gorgeous, healthy smile of anyone you know.

Here’s How The Real White Sonic Toothbrush Works…

JP Sears
First of all… The Real White Sonic Toothbrush head is plant-based and eco-friendly.

Which eliminates unnecessary waste while giving you the same quality cleaning that a plastic brush can offer.

Every year, billions of plastic toothbrushes are thrown away and they’re dumped in our oceans and landfills. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2050, oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight… and we didn’t want to contribute to that problem, and we bet you don’t either.

And it’s actually really important for your health. In fact…

Plastic Toothbrushes, Whether They’re Electric Or Manual Are Downright Dangerous To Put In Your Mouth…

And I’ll tell you more about that in a minute…

But before I do, let me tell you about the top quality natural and safe ingredients we used to create this breakthrough new oral care solution.

The Real White Sonic Toothbrush is made of sustainable bamboo…

The insert is made of non-GMO cornstarch…

The bristles are castor oil infused with bamboo charcoal…

And of course, the bristles are soft, which is recommended by all dental hygienists.

The powerful sonic vibration technology in our Real White Sonic Toothbrush is customized with 5 modes:

- clean
- white
- polish
- gum care
- sensitive

And what sets our toothbrush apart from all others is that it has charcoal bristles for a natural and safe, yet professional dental cleaning and whitening every time you brush.

The Real White Sonic Toothbrush also has a built-in “smart interval timer”...

It’s a 2-minute timer that pauses every 30-seconds.

The pause every 30 seconds reminds you to move from one section of your mouth to the next… and this will help you get the best cleaning results

All you have to do is…

1. Place and push the toothbrush head onto the toothbrush body…

2. Quickly rinse under water, then apply the desired amount of tooth powder or toothpaste on the head of the brush…

3. Press the power button and choose the desired mode…

4. Gently brush in circular motions (do not scrub)...

5. Every 30 seconds when the interval timer goes off, move the toothbrush to another quadrant of your mouth.

That’s it. You’ll brush with less effort. You’ll have an easier time making sure you brush a full 2-minutes… which is going to make a world of difference…

And you’ll give every part of your mouth a full cleaning. Every crack and crevice will get the attention and the cleaning it needs to bust up plaque and bacteria.

The memory function will remember the last mode you used while brushing so that the next time you turn on the toothbrush, it’ll automatically start with the mode you previously used…

A full battery charge for the Real White Sonic Toothbrush lasts up to 22 days… but you can recharge it as often as you’d like.

When I spoke with dental hygienists about the Real White Sonic Toothbrush

Most Dentists Can Tell The Difference Between Someone Who Uses A Manual Brush Versus Someone Using A Sonic Technology Brush Within 10 Seconds Of Looking In Their Mouth…

And for those folks, dental visits are a breeze

And the truth is you could never get your mouth as clean as if you were to use the Real White Sonic Toothbrush, no matter how often you scrub with a manual brush.

This toothbrush will be a complete game changer

Not just for your oral health… but for total body health too.

And to sweeten the pot even more…

We went above and beyond to make the Real White Sonic Toothbrush as affordable as possible.

Like you’d imagine…

Using only plant-based, biodegradable and eco-friendly ingredients isn’t cheap or easy to do

That’s why most toothbrush companies don’t do it. They want to keep their bottom line as big as possible, and forking over the cash for something like this isn’t something they’re willing to do…

But we have an unwavering dedication to give you something you can trust, that supports your health instead of threatening it. Here’s what I mean…

Most toothbrushes are made of plastic. Well…

According to research from Harvard Medical School, the College of Medicine in New Delhi and other top universities around the world…

Dr Drew sonic toothbrush

Plastic Toothbrushes Are A Hidden Threat To Your Health…

Because plastics have been linked to severe adverse health outcomes like cancer, birth defects, poor immune function, hormone disruption, and more. (51) (52) (53)

Now think about this…

We just discussed how your mouth is the entry point of viruses and bacteria that cause health concerns. Well guess what…

When you use a plastic toothbrush, it’s also the entry point for those harmful chemicals inside plastics to leak into your bloodstream and damage your health. Really…

Putting a plastic toothbrush in your mouth for two minutes a day morning and night is just asking for trouble. It’s dangerous.

And that’s why there’s NOTHING plastic in the Real White Sonic Toothbrush. Simply put…

When you use our brush, you don’t have to worry about the harm that a plastic toothbrush may be doing…

So that’s another reason why the Real White Sonic Toothbrush is one of a kind…

And even though we could charge a premium price for it… because we really have done all the dirty work that no one else is willing to do

We want as many people to improve their health and live a happier life as possible by taking care of their oral health…

So that’s why even though we could have priced the Real White Sonic Toothbrush at $399.97…

And that would be totally fair and worth the price…

We wanted to make sure it was something that anyone could afford. Because…
(51) "Plastics: Danger where we least expect it | News." Accessed 16 Sep. 2021.

(52) "Public health impact of plastics: An overview - NCBI." Accessed 16 Sep. 2021.

(53) "A Detailed Review Study on Potential Effects of Microplastics ... - NCBI." 13 Feb. 2020, Accessed 16 Sep. 2021.


We Don’t See Any Value In Having The Best And Safest Health-boosting Toothbrush On The Planet…

But No One Can Use It Because It’s Out Of Their Price Range… 

That’s why the going retail price of the Real White Sonic Toothbrush is just $299…

But when you act now and on this page only, you won’t even have to pay the normal retail price. Instead…

We want to give you the Real White Sonic Toothbrush for just $109.97…

And that’s because after everything you learned today about how connected your oral health is with total body health and happiness…

We wanted to reward people who take action and decide they want better for themselves. So that’s why we want to give you a hefty discount today.

And you won’t only save money when you order your Real White Sonic Toothbrush on this page…

But think of how much money you’ll save in the long run too. Because when you use this toothbrush morning and night as a staple in your daily oral care routine…

You’ll avoid expensive dental bills that most people have to pay because of gum disease or root canals…
You won’t have to worry about cavities any more…

You can even space out your dental visits farther apart because of how well the Real White Sonic Toothbrush gets in there and cleans your teeth and gums…

And not only that…

But by supporting your oral care, you’ll also potentially avoid all sorts of health concerns...

So the almost “preventative” health benefits of using the Real White Sonic Toothbrush are going to make a big impact too.

Like I mentioned earlier…

I Haven’t Gotten More Than The Sniffles In The Last Couple Years Since I Started Paying Close Attention To My Oral Care Routine…

So there’s no telling how many viruses that could have gotten me...

Or some kind of sickness that could have turned my world upside-down…

Yet I’ve been able to avoid them because I’ve paid close attention to my oral health.

And you may find similar benefits too…

And that won’t only save you from piles of medical bills… 

But it also gives you this new sense of confidence and peace of mind

AND a beautiful bright and healthy smile...

And that’s priceless in my opinion. So…

When you consider all that, this decision is a no-brainer.

Dave Asprey Loves Real White Sonic Toothbrush

The Real White Sonic Toothbrush combines powerful sonic toothbrush technology with nature to help bust up plaque and bad bacteria

Support your oral health and physical health

And give you the best, safest, and most powerful and noticeable cleaning every time you brush your teeth.

All You Have To Do Is Click The “PURCHASE NOW” Button Below…

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll send your Real White Sonic Toothbrush to the address you provide at checkout.

Yes! Send Me My Real White Sonic Toothbrush!

$299 now only $109.97

And of course, we’ll back up your purchase of the Real White Sonic Toothbrush with our…

1-Year “You’ll Love It Or It’s Free” Warranty…

Which means you won’t risk a single penny when you decide to purchase this groundbreaking new toothbrush.

If for any reason you aren’t satisfied or need an upgrade to your Real White Sonic Toothbrush over the next year, we’ll replace your toothbrush for free.

But you have to hurry and act now while we’re still in stock and giving away this total oral and body health tool for our limited time discount…

All You Have To Do Is Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below…

Yes! Send Me My Real White Sonic Toothbrush!

$299 now only $109.97

Alright so we’re getting down to the end of this new health report… 

You Reached A Fork In The Road And It’s Up To You What Happens Next…

Path #1 is you can ignore the information you learned on this page about how deeply connected your oral health is to your physical health

And how your current manual toothbrush is missing important features you need to battle against “leaky gum syndrome”...

And because of that, plaque and bad bacteria may be dumping into your bloodstream and wreaking havoc on your body as you’re reading this… 

Causing systemic inflammation and plaque buildup in blood vessels that have been shown to cause all sorts of health concerns. Plus…

If your current toothbrush is made with plastic (and most are)... you may be leaving yourself open to certain cancers and health issues that have been linked with plastics…

Because your mouth is the gateway into the body… and putting a plastic toothbrush in your mouth 2-minutes every morning and night is just asking for trouble. So…

I know I don’t have to belabor how dangerous this path is. You see the signs. And if you take this path and just ignore what I’ve shared with you today, all I can say is I tried my best.

I haven’t kept any of the scary stuff from you because if I were in your shoes, I’d want someone to share this information with me.

So My Conscience Is Clean. But My Heart Will Break If You Take Path #1…

But because you’re still reading, I know you want better for yourself

And that’s why I believe you’ll take path #2

Which is to order your Real White Sonic Toothbrush to bulletproof your oral health and support your physical health

Using the only electric toothbrush that’s 100% biodegradable, eco-friendly, and safe to put in your mouth because no plastics were used in the creation of our toothbrush.

All it takes is this simple toothbrush swap and you’ll instantly set yourself up for better health and a happier life…

And you’ll give your mouth a full dental cleaning every time you brush…

So you have smooth, sparkling teethfresh breath… and an attractive smile that lights up any room.

But you need to hurry and act now…

Because I don’t know how long this page will be available…

And this is your only chance to get the Real White Sonic Toothbrush for this special discount. So one last time…

All you have to do to get your Real White Sonic Toothbrush is click the add to cart button below…

Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll get your toothbrush sent in the mail right away.

So go ahead and do that now to unlock better health, a beautiful smile, and a happy life.

Yes! Send Me My Real White Sonic Toothbrush!

$299 now only $109.97


Who is this for?
The Real White Sonic Toothbrush is for anyone who wants to take care of their oral health and support their physical health as a result.
It’s also for people who want to get a deep “dental cleaning” from the comfort of their own home, so your teeth have that squeaky clean feeling every time you brush.
If that sounds like something you want, then the Real White Sonic Toothbrush is for you.
How do I use it? 
Simple. All you have to do is…

1. Place and push the toothbrush head onto the toothbrush body…

2. Quickly rinse under water, then apply the desired amount of tooth powder or toothpaste on the head of the brush…

3. Press the power button and choose the desired mode…

4. Gently brush in circular motions (do not scrub)...

5. Every 30 seconds when the interval timer goes off, move the toothbrush to another quadrant of your mouth.

That’s it. You’ll brush with less effort. You’ll have an easier time making sure you brush a full 2-minutes… which is going to make a world of difference…

And you’ll give every part of your mouth a full cleaning. Every crack and crevice will get the attention and the cleaning it needs to bust up plaque and bacteria.

What if I don’t see results? 
Beginning with your first use, you should notice a difference with how clean your teeth and gums feel after brushing with the Real White Sonic Toothbrush…

Over time your gum health will improve. You’ll have an easier time getting rid of plaque. And when you go in for your regular dental appointments, your hygienist will notice a big difference.

There are also results that are almost “preventative” by nature…

Meaning as you support your oral health, you’ll be less likely to have certain health problems… and that’s not something you can “measure” per se…

But after your toothbrush arrives in the mail, pay attention and see if you don’t notice an improvement in your overall health too.

You can expect results like that and more when you routinely use the Real White Sonic Toothbrush…

And if for any reason you don’t, just contact our friendly customer service team and we’ll issue a full refund on your investment within one year from today.

How do I order again?
It’s simple.

All you have to do is click the “add to order” button…

Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll get your Real White Sonic Toothbrush in the mail right away so you receive it 5-7 business days from now.

Real White Sonic Toothbrush

Yes! Send Me My Real White Sonic Toothbrush!

$299 now only $109.97

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